2024 - 2025 Committees
Administration Committee
Erin Leonard (MN), Chair*
Trish Bishop (VA), Vice Chair*
Dan Andersen (UT)
Tracy Guerin (WA)
Robyn Smith (AR)
Kerrie Vanden Bosch (MI)
Shauna Hewitt
Robert Klausner
Julie Skedd
Frank Sposato
Conference Committee
Brian Guthrie (TX), Chair *
Dan Andersen (UT)
Tracy Guerin (WA)
Tom Lee (NY)
Robyn Smith (AR)
Shauna Hewitt
Larry Langer
Tim McClure
Julie Skedd
Akio Tagawa
Legislative & Resolutions
Tom Lee (NY), Chair
Jeff Fleck (WV)
Tracy Guerin (WA)
Robyn Smith (AR)
Kerrie Vanden Bosch (MI)
Robert Klausner
Joe Newton
Education and Research
Jeff Fleck (WV), Chair
Tracy Guerin (WA)
Tom Lee (NY)
Robyn Smith (AR)
Kerrie Vanden Bosch (MI)
Tim McClure
Lesley Nettles
Akio Tagawa
Membership Development
Larry Langer, Co-Chair*
(upon ratification of the new chair)
Trish Bishop (VA), Co‐Chair *
Shauna Hewitt
Robert Klausner
Erin Leonard (MN)
Tim McClure
Lesley Nettles
Joe Newton
Julie Skedd
Frank Sposato
Akio Tagawa
Trish Bishop (VA), Chair*
Dan Andersen (UT)
Karen Carraher (OH)
Brian Guthrie (TX)
Performance, Compensation & Benefits
Dan Andersen (UT), Chair *
Trish Bishop (VA)*
Karen Carraher (OH)*
Brian Guthrie (TX)*
Erin Leonard (MN)*
Larry Langer*
Research and Education Fund (NREF)
Dan Andersen (UT), Chair *
Trish Bishop (VA)*
Karen Carraher (OH)*
Brian Guthrie (TX)*
Erin Leonard (MN)*
Larry Langer*
Special Programs
Karen Carraher (OH), Chair *
Jeff Fleck (WV)
Kerrie Vanden Bosch (MI)
Lesley Nettles
Joe Newton
Frank Sposato
*Required by bylaws
NASRA Appointments to Other Committees
Karen Carraher
Public Pension Coordinating Council
Dana Bilyeu
National Institute on Retirement Security
Dana Bilyeu
See More
Committee members are comprised of NASRA leadership: the Executive Committee, Regional Vice Presidents, and the Associate Advisory Committee.
NASRA is a founding member of the Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council (GASAC), which is responsible for consulting with the GASB.
The Conference Committee oversees the Annual Conference and the Special Programs Commitee does the Winter Meeting.
The Public Pension Coordinating Council annually recognizes those public retirement systems who meet set standards for management, administration, and funding.