The resources provided below present information and data about the broad public pension community.
Public Plans Data: A searchable and sortable compendium of plan-level data about the public pension community covering over 100 variables for 200 state and local public pension plans. The PPD is available at no cost to the public, provided by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, NASRA and MissionSquare Research Institute.
Public Plan Tool: Created by Cheiron, this resource complements Public Plans Data, enabling users to view detailed and summary data on a time-series basis, in a graphical format.
Latest Investment Return Assumptions: A listing maintained by NASRA of the latest actuarial investment return assumptions in use or announced for future use by 130 of the largest state and local public pension plans, and with links to graphics presenting the latest trend and time series data on this assumption.
Latest Wisconsin comparative study: A biannual study prepared since 1982 by the Wisconsin Legislative Council comparing key benefits provisions and other characteristics of large public pension plans.